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Thank you for a successful 2023 Conference!

calpcc | Caliornia Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors

CALPCC policies

CALPCC covid policy

Last updated: July 21, 2023

COVID-19 Liability Release:

CALPCC has used reasonable efforts to put in place certain measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, CALPCC cannot guarantee that you, your child(ren), other family members &/or guests (collectively, "you") will not become infected with COVID-19 if you attend any of CALPCC's activities, facilities or events or other guests, visitors or attendees, which could increase the risk of you contracting COVID-19. You acknowledge that you are personally & solely responsible for your own health, and will maintain safe practices, such as (without limitation) social distancing, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment & following any & all applicable CDC guidelines & recommendations, not only to prevent contracting COVID-19, but also to prevent passing COVID-19 to other parties.

Full COVID-19 vaccination is encouraged, but not required for all registrants, guests, and/or conference participants. CALPCC will not be verifying or checking current vaccine status.

Face masks will be encouraged, but not required while in CALPCC conference spaces which include but are not limited to: communal gathering spaces, session rooms, and passing spaces. We strongly encourage those displaying COVID-like symptoms to immediately inform CALPCC staff and refrain from additional in-person activities.

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