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Thank you for a successful 2023 Conference!

THE LPCC (Licensed professional Clinical Counselors)

Additional Coursework

You must complete Additional Coursework at the graduate level as specified in the Board of Behavioral Sciences’ Statues and Regulations: Business and Professions Code section 4999.62 (if not already taken) prior to approval of your Application for LPCC Licensure. 

Certain courses must be California-specific and must be taken at the graduate level from an accepted continuing education provider. CALPCC is a BBS approved CEU provider and members get a discounted rate for all CALPCC CE Catalog courses.

if you are remediating ccas or advanced coursework:

You may be able to also count the course toward Additional Coursework requirements. For Example: 

Your degree is deficient in CCA #6 Multicultural Counseling Theories and Techniques. The course you take includes education about California culture. This course may then also count toward fulfilling Additional Coursework item f) "California Cultures and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position."

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