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Thank you for a successful 2023 Conference!

Suicide Risk Assessment & Intervention

The BBS now requires that current licensees demonstrate completion of at least 6 hours of coursework or supervised experience in suicide risk assessment and intervention before renewal.  (This is required for new licensure as well.)


To meet these new continuing education requirements, we are excited to offer an online Suicide Risk Assessment & Intervention training series [6 CEUs].

Earn CEUs at your convenience! Courses are available individually or as a discounted packaged series. Certification is available automatically upon completion.

This virtual series offers updated evidence-based practices to effectively and compassionately assess and engage individuals experiencing suicidal ideation. In addition to addressing client needs, this series also addresses how providers can develop an awareness of how their values and experiences impact treatment and how to care for themselves when engaging in this important work.

CEUs apply to LPCCs, LMFTs, LCSWs, or LEPs only as required by the BBSThe videos in these courses were recorded from live presentations.

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